After fleeing the war in Ukraine, Ana lives paycheck to paycheck in Illinois. Amid the lasting trauma from the Russian invasion — and the heartbreak of leaving family behind — she longs to return home.
Students say the University of Chicago is withholding their degrees for participating in antiwar encampments, Work Permits for All gets support from the Illinois General Assembly, and more.
Nekbahkt, a Hazara Afghan woman and double amputee, was forced to flee Afghanistan leaving behind her husband and disabled brother. She now awaits to be reunited with her husband.
The Middle Eastern Immigrant and Refugee Alliance (MIRA) launched a women's empowerment group last fall to foster community and teach essential life skills.
The Department of Homeland Security announced Wednesday they would be extending and redesignating Temporary Protected Status for Venezuela, allowing Venezuelan immigrants to receive temporary permissions to live and work in the United States.
Mixed immigration status families in Cicero and other Chicago-area towns can still apply for federal assistance if they were impacted by the July storms.
Amid environmental concerns, residents questioned the need for a second waste station in their community and wanted to know what measures will be taken to mitigate increased pollution.
A female Afghan governor-turned-refugee, a Bangladeshi community builder working behind bars, a Mexican American woman who turned love-letter writing into a family tradition, here are some of the people whose stories we helped tell in 2022.
Illinois Venezuelan Alliance cofounder Ana Gil Garcia explains why 25% of Venezuela’s population has left Venezuela and how Chicagoans are welcoming Venezuelan migrants.
West Chicago residents are concerned about the environmental impact of Lakeshore Recycling Systems’ proposed waste transfer station, half a mile from an existing station.
Los manifestantes detuvieron el tráfico mientras pedían su proceso hacia la ciudadanía para 11 millones de inmigrantes indocumentados en los Estados Unidos.
Las pruebas rápidas y de PCR están disponibles en toda el área de Chicago. Manténte al tanto de tu salud y encuentra un sitio de pruebas en tu vecindario.
En medio de múltiples crisis en su Líbano natal, Siham Ibrahim preserva la herencia libanesa en Chicago y ayuda a la gente que se encuentra en el Líbano.
¿Se te antoja la comida etíope, egipcia, ghanesa o somalí? Lo tenemos todo solucionado con nuestra lista detallada de los restaurantes africanos que debes probar en Chicago.
Frente a un futuro incierto, una investigación de Borderless Magazine encontró que los restaurantes de inmigrantes sobrellevan la recuperación con creatividad y determinación después de una pausa pandémica.
Después de un año donde se ha visto un aumento en los ataques contra las comunidades asiáticas en el país, grupos locales Asiático-Americanos e Isleños del Pacífico (AAPI, por sus siglas en inglés) se reunieron en el Barrio chino de Chicago para exigir respuestas.
Después de ser voluntaria en los campamentos de refugiados en Grecia, la abogada de derechos humanos Alexandra Tarzikhan creó una comunidad virtual para ampliar las historias individuales de los refugiados.
After a year that has seen a rise in attacks against Asian communities in the U.S., local AAPI groups gathered in Chicago's Chinatown to demand action.
After volunteering at refugee camps in Greece, human rights lawyer Alexandra Tarzikhan created a virtual community to amplify the individual stories of refugees.
Alderman Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez representing Chicago’s 33rd Ward speaks about Chicago as a Sanctuary City and it’s new Welcoming City Ordinance, which provides expanded protections to immigrants.
Chicago chefs Rafael Esparza and Mitchell AbouJamra drew on family recipes to create Evette’s, a new restaurant that highlights Lebanese immigrants’ contributions to Mexican cuisine.
El Estatus de Protección Temporal, o TPS por sus siglas en inglés, ayuda a que 300,000 personas puedan trabajar y vivir en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, la reciente decisión del tribunal amenaza con acabar con este programa humanitario.
Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, helps 300,000 people work and live in the United States. But a recent court ruling threatens to end the humanitarian program.
Vanessa Esparza-López, a supervising attorney with the National Immigrant Justice Center’s Immigrant Legal Defense Project, explains how the Supreme Court's ruling will impact DACA recipients.
Chicago’s thriving, multicultural neighborhood West Ridge has been my beloved home ever since I left Lebanon four years ago. It is now a COVID-19 hotspot.