Diciendo Adiós al Sueño Americano As Told ToEspañol Diciendo Adiós al Sueño Americano Cuando Tomás Díaz, de 36 años, vivía en Estados Unidos trabajaba 17 horas al día y tenía gastos impensables.Claudia HernándezSeptember 9, 2020
Walking Away from the American Dream As Told ToPostcards from the Border Walking Away from the American Dream For 36-year-old Tomás Díaz, living in America meant 17-hour work days and unthinkable expenses.Claudia HernándezSeptember 9, 2020
Michelle Kanaar/Borderless Magazine Urban farm provides sense of community for refugees during COVID Arts & CultureEnvironmentLabor Urban farm provides sense of community for refugees during COVID The COVID-19 pandemic and pricey new water permits have challenged the eight-year-old Global Garden Refugee Training Farm on Chicago’s North Side.Chelsea VerstegenSeptember 3, 2020
Photo courtesy of Demera Saigon Sisters and Demera Foster a Cross-cultural Bond During COVID Arts & CultureLabor Saigon Sisters and Demera Foster a Cross-cultural Bond During COVID The restaurants are offering “World Food Tour” meal packages showcasing Vietnamese and Ethiopian cuisine.Cassidy JacksonSeptember 1, 2020
Photo courtesy of Tal Dror 绿卡中签者集体起诉特朗普 Immigration Policy 绿卡中签者集体起诉特朗普 按规定,今年的多元化移民签证中签者必须在9月30日之前获得签证才能顺利移民到美国。然而特朗普的行政禁令碎了许多人的梦。Lu ZhaoAugust 27, 2020
Photo courtesy of Tal Dror Green Card Lottery Winners Challenge Trump’s Immigration Ban Immigration Policy Green Card Lottery Winners Challenge Trump’s Immigration Ban Trump's executive order has kept 37,000 Diversity Immigrant Visa lottery winners from coming to the US.Sruthi Darbhamulla and Lu ZhaoAugust 27, 2020
Photographer: Walt Stoneburner Cómo elegir un durazno durante COVID As Told ToEspañol Cómo elegir un durazno durante COVID Más de la mitad de los trabajadores de agricultura en los Estados Unidos no tienen seguro médico. Eso puede ser un riesgo con COVID.Francisco Velazquez and Michelle KanaarAugust 25, 2020
Photographer: Walt Stoneburner How to Pick a Peach During COVID As Told ToHealthLabor How to Pick a Peach During COVID Over half of farmworkers in the United States have no health insurance. That can be a liability during the pandemic.Francisco Velazquez and Michelle KanaarAugust 25, 2020
Julio Salgado on Telling Community Stories as an Undocumented and Queer Artist Arts & Culture Julio Salgado on Telling Community Stories as an Undocumented and Queer Artist The 37-year-old artist explains the power of art in the migrant movement and why he’s always laughing. Francisco VelazquezAugust 19, 2020
Julio Salgado sobre contar historias de la comunidad como un artista indocumentado y queer Español Julio Salgado sobre contar historias de la comunidad como un artista indocumentado y queer El artista de 37 años explica el poder del arte en el movimiento migrante y por que siempre está riendo. Francisco VelazquezAugust 19, 2020