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Dear Borderless Magazine community,

We are writing to you today with full hearts as we look back on all you have helped us accomplish in 2023.

In the last year, we’ve doubled our audience – helping us expand our impact – and broke an international story with our investigation into the dangerous conditions at a city-funded migrant shelter.

Our small, but mighty, team has worked tirelessly to build a bridge between under-served communities and policymakers and grow community power.

This work has been heartbreaking at times: When a five-year-old boy living at a city-funded migrant shelter died just days after we published a groundbreaking investigation into the dangerous conditions at the shelter, we felt the deep pain of his loss.

But you – our community – is what kept us going. You took our investigation and subsequent stories and used our reporting to rally support for protecting asylum seekers and for holding our city’s leaders accountable for how they spend taxpayer money.

As a nonprofit news organization, we rely on donors like you to do our crucial work. In this annual report, you’ll learn how we put donor dollars to work in 2023 and hear about some of our biggest wins.

Our immigrant communities in Chicago, and beyond, are relying on Borderless to provide free and accessible news that holds the powerful accountable. Will you help us expand our impact by donating today? You can go to to give.


Lekisha Gunn, Board President

Nissa Rhee, Cofounder and Executive Director

Mauricio Peña, Editorial Director